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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn MHMJ022G1U- Động cơ - Panasonic
 Thông Số kĩ Thuật :  Power supply capacity (kVA) 0.5 Voltage specifications 200 V Rated output 200 W Rated current (A (rms)) 1.6 Holding brake without Mass (kg) 0.96 Oil seal with Shaft Key-way, center tap Rated torque (N ⋅ m) 0.64 Momentary Max. peak torque (N ⋅ m) 1.91 Max. current (A (o-p)) 6.9 Regenerative brake frequency (times/min) Without option :No limit With option :No limit Option (External regenerative resistor) Part No. : DV0P4283 About regenerative brake frequency Please refer to the details of [Motor Specification Description] , Note: 1, and 2. Rated rotational speed (r/min) 3000 Rated rotational Max. speed (r/min) 5000 Moment of inertia of rotor ( x10 -4  kg ⋅ m²) 0.42 Recommended moment of inertia ratio of the load and the rotor 30 times or less About recommended moment of inertia ratio of the load and the rotor Please refer to the details of [Motor Specification Description] ,Note: 3. Rotary encoder: specifications 20-bit Incremental system Rotary encode...